I implemented same model as per example here https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/widgets-editor-basic/.
I have a client side feature layer with series of features, these features have a custom field called "geometryIdentifier".
I want to hook into the workflows associated to extract "geometryIdentifier" details if it is being modified or deleted.
Initially I attached listeneres to layers on edit, but that only returns globalId, ObjectId, error, which are all usless to me.
I've tried every possible combination and just cannot figure this out.
I think you have to query the feature layer with the provided GlobalID or ObjectID if you want the new values.
Unfortunately that doesn't work in scenarios where the deleteFeatures is triggered, because there is nothing to query.
You mentioned having a listener on the layer for edits. Can you make the query before the edit is committed?
reactiveUtils | API Reference | ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.27 | ArcGIS Developers
Sorry i missed this, yes i do use reactiveUtils in some cases, but it seems like overkill. Hence why i thought there is a simpler solution.