Any help or a link to a source on creating legends will be greatly appreciated. tahnsk in advance.
Which map are we talking about?
Please be more descriptive about the issue you are facing. Below are some point that you can add to you post which will make the other developers understand the problem and provide you solutions.
Thanks so much-
Here is the map-,output
here is what I’m trying to do-
Add magnitude-dependent styling for the earthquakes
- Add a title to the plot -
-Add labels that indicate the number of earthquakes of various sizes
- Add a legend for the styling
-Add a legend. Create your own custom legend.
Thanks again
Hello Manisha
Does you application has anything to do with ArcGIS or ArcGIS JavaScript API? It doesn't look like you are using it.
I would like to be able to use ArcGIS Javascript. Is it possible?
Yes it is possible, but you would have to build the map, using ArcGIS JS API, and not just the Legend.
Ok, I have to learn that. I’m a newbie to scripting and taking a class for visualization, for which I was asking for help.
Thanks so much for your patience.
So the first thing you do is learn about using the esri JS API.
Look at a sample like this:
then you replace the map service url with one for earthquakes like this one:
Hi Richard,
All this is very new to me. Was trying to do this for a HW assignment for a class that I’m taking on visualizations. Have to start with 101 of ESRI JS API.
But thank you so much for providing the link.