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How can I enable popup in SceneView with a WebScene have a portalItem?

09-07-2020 08:34 AM
Emerging Contributor

I created a Web Scene portal item and add a feature layer. I also enable the layer's popups property as below picture.

The popup is not working in below javascript API code. How can I do for let the popup working as protal server Webscene view?

<script src=""></script>
 require(["esri/views/SceneView", "esri/WebScene","esri/config"], function (
 SceneView, WebScene, esriConfig) {
 var titleDiv = document.getElementById("titleDiv");
 var scene = new WebScene({
 portalItem: { id: "540xxx6d5fd432fa4ba3dd64eca801d" }
 var view = new SceneView({
 map: scene,
 container: "viewDiv"


2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I'm having the same problem. Is it possible for a WebScene based on a portalItem to show popups? They're definitely enabled on the feature layers, and I can get them to pop up when I open the WebScene in Scene Viewer online.

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Regular Contributor

maybe a bit late. I had the same issue but fixed by set the following to sceneView object

sceneView.popup.defaultPopupTemplateEnabled = true;