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Has anyone used "findLayerByID" with success?

2 hours ago
Occasional Contributor

Hello again all.    I am still having problems accessing individual layers within my WebMap thru the js API.

if I have loaded an existing webmap visually in my app-

const webmap = new WebMap({
  portalItem: { // autocasts as new PortalItem()
    id: "xxportalIDxx"
why can't I access the individual Layers within it by their IDs?   i've tried-
const newLayer = webmap.findLayerByID('xxlayerIDxx')
but keep getting- 
TypeError: webmap.findLayerByID is not a function
shouldn't this be a basic chore,  to access individual layers within a WebMap?
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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor II

I think you have a typo. It's findLayerById.

You need to either wait for view.when() or call the webmap.loadAll(), both are promises so you can await them or use promise.then().

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