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Getting modified picture in MediaLayer

12-13-2023 03:15 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hi all,

I've played around with the new MediaLayer (check API and examples) - great tool and exactly what I was looking for 🙂

My question is: Is there any official or unofficial option to get the modified, georeferenced picture? I've checked the MediaLayers source attribute, which includes to image data, but as far as I can see only the original image is available. Is there anything I've missed?

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4 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @DominikS , Not at this time, but we do have an internal issue to enable saving a georeferenced MediaLayer as a portal item, and that should be available for this upcoming 4.29 release. We also have another issue to explore exporting the MediaLayer as a georeferenced image but that one hasn't been assigned a release to date.

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Occasional Contributor

Hey @Sage_Wall ,

Thanks for the information ❤️ A follow-up question: Will the new option, available in 4.29, create a HostedFeatureService within portal? Do you have any clue, whether the Portal-Item will have an export option for the georeferenec picture? If needed, I would accept the extra step going to the portal...

Do you have any additional information, how the georeferenced picture is stored? Is it internally passed to the esri-map canvas?


All the best 🙂 

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Esri Contributor

Currently, the only way to save a media layer is within the web map itself. The web map stores the media as a resource and adds properties in the web map json for its placement and other properties. The full details of the spec can be found at this link

At the February update to AGOL and 4.29 API release, we plan to release the ability to save the media layer as a new independent portal item outside the web map. This will allow users to create a new map and add the saved media layer. The API will be simple, adding a save() and saveAs() method to the MediaLayer class.

There won't be a way to export the image as something like a GeoTIFF from the Portal or ArcGIS Online until we have an opportunity to implement the export functionality in the API. For now, and the short term future, that's still a desktop workflow.

Probably not the answer you wanted, but I hope the additional info helps.

Occasional Contributor

Hi @Sage_Wall

Thanks so much for the added information and clarification. Although the answer is not what I was hoping for, it's great to have a detailed roadmap. I will have an eye on this topic - it would be great to have this functionality in the JavaScript API 🙂 

In the meanwhile I will try to implement a workaround using the map.view.takeScreenshot() function.

Thanks again!