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Getting items from Expired ORG and unable to get detilas of such items using arcgisUtils.getItem

03-17-2015 03:30 AM
Occasional Contributor

We are getting all the items with tag "DMR" from organisation url as "" and in result we are getting some items which are from the Expired Organisation, for example item id "4f59091c079e45b081d49430bb981064".

when we try to get the details of this item using  arcgisUtils.getItem  method then the defferd callback method does not get executed, whereas if we see in the browser console it shows error "Subscription is disabled, the item is not accessible":

Please check the attached sample you will see that the alert which we have written in then will not show up.

Also notice that although the item is "public" it will still prompt you with identity manager for credentials and if you enter any valid credentials to it will still show you the same error in console.

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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Sumit,

The ArcGIS Online Organization that this application is added to is no longer active.  If the application is added to an active AGOL Organization, you will be able to access the item details.  For example, I added this app to an active AGOL Org.  Try your code with the following item id:


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Occasional Contributor

HI Jake,

Thank you for your quick response.

Our main problem is that when we are querying for all the items in org with tag "DMR" we are getting some item id's from the Inactive(Expired) organisation like one which I mentioned above("4f59091c079e45b081d49430bb981064").

once all the item id's are available our application fetches the item details using method arcgisUtils.getItem and  it does not fire the callback method in cases where the Items are from InActive ORG.

So either JS API to fetch items from the org should not return the items from Inactive(Expired) org


When we try to get the details of such items it should handel the error and the callback method should be executed.

Please suggest Jake Skinner

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Deactivated User

Kelly Hutchins​ Please provide some directions to this.

When we are querying for all the items in org( with tag "DMR" we are getting some item id's from the Inactive(Expired) organisation like one which I mentioned above("4f59091c079e45b081d49430bb981064").

Is it possible in some way if API don't return this Items.

Thank You .

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