Hi guys, I have created a python toolbox for 8 tools. One of the tools calculates a plan id based on the county where the polygon is drawn and the year from a date entered by the user. I would like to create a web app with all these tools. My web app already has editing capabilities and the feature service created for these tools can be already be edited in the web app. But I need to calculate that PlanID field (the field is already in the database), so I am guessing I need to convert my toolbox script to a geoprocessing service. If so, how can I do that, since I already have the editor part working in the web app, so I don't need that part of the script to enter the data, just the part that after getting the data, it calculates the planid based on the county where the polygon created is. Here is the python tool script ( I deleted some parts like some of the parameters and messages so it would fit here)What would I need to change in my code for it to work? Can you please take a look at the python code and give me some advice on what to do? Any idea, or general idea on where to go from here would be awesome! The javascript code is in the following post.Thank you!!!
class Stewardship(object):
def getParameterInfo(self):
"""Define parameter definitions"""
param1 = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName = "Forester",
name = "Forester",
datatype = "String",
parameterType = "Required",
direction = "Input"
params = [param0, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8, param9,
param10, param11, param12, param13, param14]
return params
def execute(self, parameters, messages):
Status = parameters[2].valueAsText
DateStart = parameters[3].valueAsText
# This is to send the data input to the database
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("Stewardship", ("Status", "Office", "Forester",
"DateStart","PlanLength", "PlanEQIP", "RecipientLast", "RecipientFirst",
"MailAddress", "City" , "State", "ZipCode", "Phone", "Email", "Underserved")) as rows:
# row comes back as a tuple in the order specified here, so Office is row[0], Forester is row[1]
for row in rows:
row[0] = StatusCode
row[1] = OfficeCode
# This is to save only the year to the FFY field from the DateStart field
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("Stewardship", ("FFY")) as rows:
Datestarstr1 = str(DateStart)
if len(Datestarstr1) == 9:
# if for example 6/28/2013 or 10/4/2013
yearonly = DateStart[5:9]
if len(Datestarstr1) == 8:
yearonly = DateStart[4:8]
if len(Datestarstr1) > 9:
# if for example 10/10/2013
yearonly = DateStart[6:10]
for row in rows:
row[0] = yearonly
# This is to create centroids of the stewardship boundaries to select the county that contains the
centroid (stewardship), to be used to create the PlanID
Countieslayer = 'Counties FL' # this is a string that represents the Counties feature layer
Stewardshiplayer = 'Stewardship FL' # this is a string that represents the Stewardship feature
Stewardshipcentroidslayer = 'Stewardship centroid FL' # this is a string that represents the
Stewardship feature layer
if arcpy.Exists(Countieslayer):
# make feature layer
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("Counties", "Countieslayer")
if arcpy.Exists(Stewardshiplayer):
# make feature layer
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("Stewardship", "Stewardshiplayer")
create the layer after creating centroids
outstewardshipcentroids = "StewardshipCentroids2"
if arcpy.Exists(outstewardshipcentroids):
# make feature layer
# Create centroid
arcpy.FeatureToPoint_management("Stewardshiplayer", outstewardshipcentroids,"INSIDE")
if arcpy.Exists("Stewardshipcentroidslayer"):
# make feature layer
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(outstewardshipcentroids, "Stewardshipcentroidslayer")
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("Countieslayer", "CONTAINS", outstewardshipcentroids, "",
# To get the code of the county from the counties layer to send it to the County field in
# Takes the first row of the cursor (there is only one object in the county centroid).
# The first index is the first row, the next [0] index is the first attribute, which there is
only one (FIPS_TXT)
countycode = tuple(arcpy.da.SearchCursor("Countieslayer", "FIPS_TXT"))[0][0]
urows = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("StewardshipLayer", "County")
for urow in urows:
urow[0] = countycode
del urows, urow
# To add 1 to the year if month starts in October
import time
from datetime import datetime, date
#sim_date_counter = 1
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("Stewardshiplayer", ("FFY")) as rows:
for row in rows:
#get the value of the date
FFY = row[0]
FFYnumber = int(FFY)
#convert to string
DateStartstr = str(DateStart)
# Get only the month
# To get only the first two characters:
DateStart2 = DateStartstr[0:2]
if "/" in DateStart2:
# if for example 6/28/2013
DateStart3 = DateStart[0:1]
FFYnumbercount = FFYnumber
if "/" not in DateStart2:
# if for example 10/10/2013
DateStart4 = int(DateStart2)
FFYnumbercount = FFYnumber + 1
row[0] = str(FFYnumbercount)
trows = arcpy.SearchCursor("Stewardshiplayer")
for row in trows:
FFYtxt = row.getValue("FFY")
Countytxt = row.getValue("County")
del trows, row
# we list the layer to create a layer feature without a selection (because it is selected by the
lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(arcpy.mapping.MapDocument('CURRENT'), 'Stewardship')[0]
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(lyr.dataSource, "TMP")
# To get the total ammount of records, not only the selected
result = int(arcpy.GetCount_management("TMP").getOutput(0))
# write a query to get the county and year using the FFY and County of the object id of the
Stewardship layer (the one that is selected)
query = "FFY" +"=" + "'"+ str(FFYtxt)+"'" + "AND " + "County" +"=" + "'"+ str(Countytxt)+"'"
# select all the records that have the FFYcounty the same as the FFYCounty of the hightest
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("TMP", "NEW_SELECTION", query )
result = int(arcpy.GetCount_management("TMP").getOutput(0))
# if there are more than 1 records with the same ffy and county
# select only the record witht the highest sequencenumber (sort first, then select)
if result > 1:
maxValue4 = arcpy.SearchCursor("TMP", "", "", "", "SequenceNumber D").next().getValue
query = "SequenceNumber = "
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("TMP", "SUBSET_SELECTION", "SequenceNumber = " +
result = int(arcpy.GetCount_management("TMP").getOutput(0))
# to get the sequence number
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("TMP")
for row in rows:
Seqnum = row.SequenceNumber
del rows, row
# If the sequence number is equal or higher than 1 it means there are other records with the same
FFY and County, so we add 1 to the number
# rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor("Stewardshiplayer")
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("Stewardshiplayer", ("Sequencenumber")) as rows:
if Seqnum >= 1:
vsn = Seqnum + 1
vsn = 1
for row in rows:
#get the value of the date
row[0] = vsn
# we Create the Plan ID concatenating the FFY, the county and the Sequence number, adding zeros in
front of the sequence number if necessary to make the lenght always 3
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("Stewardship", ("PlanID")) as rowsffycounty2:
for row in rowsffycounty2:
row[0] = str(FFYtxt) + "-" + str(Countytxt) + "-" + str(vsn).zfill(3)