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Filter the HistogramTimeSlider with a TimeExtent?

10-10-2016 02:24 PM
New Contributor II

I have a FeatureClass with millions of events.  I would like to add a TimeExtent to my FeatureLayer so that I can limit the data in the HistogramTimeSlider.  If TimeExtent is not supported, is there a way to manually use a FeatureCollection to load the HistogramTimeSlider using the v3.18 API?   

I tried altering the HistorgramTimeSlider sample to filter the U2 concerts only to a specific year but I was unsuccessful.  ArcGIS API for JavaScript Sandbox 

Please help!  Thanks!!

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MVP Emeritus


   I have tried several things this weekend to accomplish what you are after and all have been meet with partial success or none at all.

I put together code to add a FeatureLayer from a FeatureCollection and that is a complete flop.

I used the FeatureLayers setTimeDefinition and specified the date range and that worked as far as only showing the concerts in that date range but the histogram slider did not update the tooltips of x axis labels.

So bottom line is you will probably have to call tech support and log a enhancement request as it is not really a bug vs a lack of support for your workflow.

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