Hello All,
I am trying to style my Vector Tile layer according to MapBox style specification as it is described in ArcGis Js documentation (VectorTileLayer | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.13 )
However when I am trying to add 'fill-extrusion' layer (similar to this example: Extrude polygons for 3D indoor mapping | Mapbox GL JS | Mapbox ) ESRI throws an Error: Unknown vector tile layer
Here is my code (Vector Tile layer is commented): https://codepen.io/tomaszbarczyk/pen/RwwYdPv?editors=1000
Is it a bug or Vector Tiles are not fully supported yet?
Hi there,
Fill extrusions are not supported in JS API for ArcGIS at this time. It will be added in the future but I do not have a concrete timeframe for this.
Hi Undral Batsukh,
Is there an update to the status on where this lies in the roadmap?
Hi @SeanGrant3 This is still not on our near future road map, sorry that I can't give you better news.
HI @RalucaNicola1 ,
Is there any update for the ENH? Thank you!