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FeatureLayer with EXACT same symbolgy as on the REST? Or possibility to create scale-dependent donut-effect?

11-23-2022 07:23 AM
Frequent Contributor

We're creating a webmap using the ArcGIS API for Javascript 4.25. We wish to include a FeatureLayer where all categories are styled according to the attached files. the symbology there was created with ArcGIS Pro and could be summarised as follows:

We REALLY need to stick to our symbology, crucial are the scale-dependent symbolgy which not only influences the color and outline, but also switches at a certain scale from filled to donut-effect. Is there any possibility to include ALL these requests into a unique value renderer? thus I managed this: 


(a MapImageLayer would display the layer in the desired format, but we can'tuse a MapImageLayer as this format doesn't allow to:

  • search its features
  • display a popup whith a hover/mouseover
  • highlight the selected features

and these are functionalities we would need.)

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