I am about to start development on a web application that will not ever be connected to the www.
I am looking into using "react-arcgis" which uses "esri-loader".
According to the documentation, esri-loader uses a CDN, and I was wandering if it is possible to locally download the entire arcgis-js library and direct the loader to load it locally instead from the CDN?
Thank you
Why not use use ES Modules with local assets: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/es-modules/
Before ES Modules came along esri-loader was the best way to get JS API to play nicely with, say, React, but it's not really necessary any more
From the documentation:
"To download the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and its documentation, navigate to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript download page and log-in with your Esri global account."
I too use this to host the API on networks that have no internet access.