Using version 4.26 through npm as an ESM module.
I came across this error and another somewhat unrelated question with a similar syntax helped me find my bug
Accessor#set Assigning an instance of 'esri.layers.MapImageLayer' which is not a subclass of 'esri.Basemap'
The code I tried to use was:
this.imageryLayer= new MapImageLayer({
url:"URL to a MapServer"
}) = new Map({
ground: "world-elevation",
basemap: this.imageryLayer,
The reason it failed, was because I didn't cast the MapImageLayer to a BaseMap.
This piece of code solved it:
this.imageryLayer= new MapImageLayer({
url:"URL to a MapServer"
this.ImageryBaseMap = new Basemap({
title: 'Imagery',
}) = new Map({
ground: "world-elevation",
basemap: this.ImageryBaseMap ,
This isn't really a question, just added this here for anyone else who might look this up.