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Enable Mouse Move event on click event on a feature

11-12-2020 04:51 AM
Occasional Contributor

Dear All,

I am working on polygon layer like an excel sheet.if user click on one feature mouse event should enable and where he move the mouse next 10 feature should be selected and change can i get this.please help Thanks in advance.when user click the last selected feature mouse move event should be disabled.working on arcgis java script 4.17 api.



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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Hello @Nadir_Hussain ,

In the class "FeatureLayer", there is no such event which will help to select multiple features upon mouse-hovering. Following is the reference:


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Occasional Contributor

Dear  kavish,

how can i enable mouse hover event on feature click.can you post an example.waiting for your reply.

Thanks a lot dear.


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