I am using the editor widget and would like to call some validation process before I apply my edits. this works fine, listening to the submit event.
But this "submit" event is not called when I press the delete button. How can I call a validation in case of a delete statement? here is a sample code:
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">
<title>Edit features with the Editor widget | Sample | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.24</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/4.24/esri/themes/light/main.css" />
<script src="https://js.arcgis.com/4.24/"></script>
#viewDiv {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
.esri-editor .esri-item-list__scroller {
max-height: 350px;
], (
WebMap, MapView,
) => {
let pointLayer, lineLayer, polygonLayer;
// Create a map from the referenced webmap item id
const webmap = new WebMap({
portalItem: {
id: "459a495fc16d4d4caa35e92e895694c8"
const view = new MapView({
container: "viewDiv",
map: webmap
view.when(() => {
view.map.loadAll().then(() => {
view.map.allLayers.forEach((layer) => {
if (layer.type === 'feature') {
switch (layer.geometryType) {
case "polygon":
polygonLayer = layer;
const polyInfos = {
layer: polygonLayer,
formTemplate: { // autocasts to FormTemplate
elements: [{ // autocasts to FieldElement
type: "field",
fieldName: "incidenttype",
label: "Incident Type"
}, {
type: "field",
fieldName: "activeincid",
label: "Active"
}, {
type: "field",
fieldName: "descrip",
label: "Description"
const editor = new Editor({
view: view,
layerInfos: [polyInfos]
editor.viewModel.featureFormViewModel.on("submit", function(){
const updated = editor.viewModel.featureFormViewModel.getValues();
const edits = {
updateFeatures: [editFeature]
editor.viewModel.watch("state", function(
) {
console.log(target, propertyName + " changed from " + oldValue + " to " + newValue, editor.viewModel)
// Add the widget to the view
view.ui.add(editor, "top-right");
<div id="viewDiv"></div>
I'm really not an expert (just started learning about the api myself), but I guess you could use the "edits"-event of the feature layer:
polygonLayer.on("edits", function (event) {
if (event.deletedFeatures.length > 0) {
console.log("Do stuff");
thanks for the response. But the documentation clearly states:
"Fires after applyEdits() is completed successfully."
I don't want to "applyEdits" first, which writes something into my service and then remove it again as it might not be validated successfully.