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Editor Widget - Back button not working

09-26-2022 08:31 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi all,

I'm relatively new to the API toolbox and I'm implementing a viewer with additional functionalities for a client. 

I have several layers, also feature layers, that are editable. I have implemented the Editor widget containing all my layers, with which I can draw new point and line geometries. So far so good. Whenever I'm drawing a geometry and I want to go back using the "Back" button from the Editor widget the console is throwing the following error:  Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error. This error doesn't say anything and it doesn't allow me to go back using the back button. I can cancel the flow with a dirty workaround, which forces me to create the geometry and then delete it. 

Has someone ever encountered this issue or has any idea how I can debug this?




Kind regards,


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