Using the 4.27 release.
I'm attempting to get the editor to only create one feature at a time. After creating a feature, the mouse retains the icon and I don't want that. For my use case, I'll only ever create one at a time. I have to press Escape to get out of it (and furthermore, I don't see any other way to cancel it...)
The docs seem to indicate it's capable of a non-multi-create workflow. It talks about the "create features workflow" for continuous editing and says this at the end
> This new workflow is designed for both individual and multiple feature creation.
I'm aiming for that "individual" workflow.
Ref: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-widgets-Editor.html
Things I've tried:
- Setting `allowedWorkflows` to `['create', 'update']`, this still triggered the "multiple" workflow
- Not that I should rely on it, but the `useDeprecatedCreateWorkflow` feature on the Editor doesn't appear to work either. Codepen for what it's worth: https://codepen.io/Tickthokk/pen/eYQLLNr?editors=1000
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.