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Edit-Using the attribute inspector

11-13-2015 11:03 AM
MVP Regular Contributor

I got this Sample  to work and configured using my own service.

I have now tried to add it to another script.

Here is my complete code so far JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging

The popup should allow me to edit but nothing shows up.

I feel like I am missing some small thing.

Thank you

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7 Replies
Honored Contributor

Everything you want to edit is added as a FeatureServer, not MapServer?   Also check that all attributes you want to edit are listed as outFields for that layer.

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MVP Regular Contributor


I have added a FeatureServer, and I have outFields: ["*"]. So all fields should available.

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Honored Contributor

Check how your adding your layers -  map.addLayer.   You're listening for layers-add-result (plural),so nothing ever triggers it.   I'd change it to map.addLayers adding your layers in an array.  Then your function should execute.

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MVP Regular Contributor


I have changed the addLayer and it does not effect the app.

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Honored Contributor

Also, I don't see where you required AttributeInspector.

MVP Regular Contributor

I did not have AttributeInspector, it must have been missed when I moved code.

I have now included it. I am still getting nothing to display in popup.

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MVP Regular Contributor

This is my current error

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