Hi. I would like to add text graphic on the map to add informations about the dimensions of the polygon which is selected when the EditToolBar is selected.
To do that I use dojo.connect(this.editToolbar,'onGraphicClick',function(feature,info)
How, inside this function can I write graphics in a GraphicLayer ? Indeed It seems that I cannot "reach" the variable of the graphicLayer I created on widget startup (undefined dimensionGraphicLayer) ?
_activateEditToolbar: function (feature) {
var layer = feature.getLayer();
if (this.editToolbar.getCurrentState().tool !== 0) {
switch (layer.geometryType) {
case "esriGeometryPoint":
this.editToolbar.activate(Edit.MOVE, feature);
case "esriGeometryPolyline":
case "esriGeometryPolygon":
/*jslint bitwise: true*/
this.editToolbar.activate(Edit.EDIT_VERTICES |
Edit.MOVE |
Edit.SCALE, feature);
/*jslint bitwise: false*/
/*draw text graphics on the polygon */
var distanceUnits = "meters";
var pgeometry = feature.geometry;
var pspatialReference = pgeometry.spatialReference
var prings = pgeometry.rings;
/*list that stores the point to place the graphics*/
var listePointMedian = [];
/*list that stores the distance to display*/
var listeDistance = [];
var indexvertice = 0;
while (indexvertice < pring.length - 1) {
var pdepart = pring[indexvertice];
var xDepart = pdepart[0];
var yDepart = pdepart[1];
var pointDepart = new Point(xDepart,yDepart,pspatialReference);
indexSuivant = indexvertice+1;
var parrivee = pring[indexSuivant];
var xArrivee = parrivee[0];
var yArrivee = parrivee[1];
var pointArrivee = new Point(xArrivee,yArrivee,pspatialReference);
var xMedian = (xDepart + xArrivee)/2;
var yMedian = (yDepart + yArrivee)/2;
var pointMedian = new Point(xMedian,yMedian,pspatialReference);
var geometryService = new GeometryService("https://....../arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/Geometry/GeometryServer");
var distParams = new DistanceParameters();
distParams.distanceUnit = esri.tasks.GeometryService.UNIT_KILOMETER;
distParams.geometry1 = pointDepart;
distParams.geometry2 = pointArrivee;
distParams.geodesic = true;
geometryService.distance(distParams, function(distance) {
result = distance;
Solved! Go to Solution.
You have to use lang.hitch to make sure you're getting the correct context of "this" in your function.
You have to use lang.hitch to make sure you're getting the correct context of "this" in your function.
Thanks very much @KenBuja ! 😉
Indeed It's seems OK like this :
dojo.connect(this.editToolbar,'onGraphicClick', lang.hitch(this,function(feature,info){