This is more of an issue with Dojo then the API, but it seems to be related to the newer version of the API (an app I wrote using 2.7 does not exhibit this behavior).
I am using a ComboBox connected to an ItemFileReadStore. In Firefox/Chrome, typing a value into the combobox searches and correctly displays the matching records. In IE9, I get boxes before/after the search string in the matching records. The boxes are the sort used as a placeholder for a missing character in a font. (see attached images)
I discovered that the matching items use the dijitComboBoxHighlightMatch css class. I added the following to my css file:
.dijitMenuItem .dijitComboBoxHighlightMatch
color: Red;
In Firefox/Chrome, the matching text now shows up red. IE appears to completely ignore this class.
Perhaps I am just missing something, so I thought I'd post this and see if any Dojo experts out there might have an idea where I am going wrong.
The code is pretty straight forward and is pretty much pulled out of a different app that does work.
<div dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" jsID="streetNames" url="streetnames.txt" ></div>
<input type="text" style="width: 95%;" id="txtStreetName" dojoType="dijit.form.ComboBox" store="streetNames" searchAttr="LMSNAM" />