I'm not sure if i'm overlooking things or this is not yet supported, but i'm curious if the default JavaScript API (v4) popup supports related records.
I have the following situation:
Example in default JSAPI popup:
Example in Webappbuilder:
What i'm looking for is the option to add the functionality regarding the related records in the second screenshot to the situation in the first screenshot.
My question is twofold:
That worked like a charm! Thank you. I expanded a little bit on it and am now getting the related records as a response after selectedFeature changes:
The code I used (might not be pretty, but it works):
watchUtils.when(view.popup, "selectedFeature", function(evt){
var url = view.popup.selectedFeature.layer.url;
var layerId = view.popup.selectedFeature.layer.layerId;
var fullURL = url + "/" + layerId;
var objectID = view.popup.selectedFeature.attributes.OBJECTID;
var queryTask = new QueryTask({
url: fullURL
relationQuery = new RelationshipQuery({
objectIds: [objectID],
outFields: ["*"],
relationshipId: 0
Now what I've got to do is append this to the content property of the popup.
I'll keep this thread updated.
I like to use dojo dom-construct for building html elements and then domConstruct.place to add them. You can use dojo query to get the infoWindow dim node to append to.
Is there a road map / timeline when editing related records will be possible with the JS API v4?
Jim Barry or anyone else from the dev-team?
Just FYI Jim is not on the development team.
Thanks, Robert, I just took his name because he figures as responsible for this space. Maybe he can transfer the question to someone in charge 🙂
Sorry for the delay on this. Checking with the dev team to see what they say.
It's on our plan for 2020. Might not be the next release, but something being worked on.