If you search for "springfield, il" wait a few seconds, it will zoom, add a marker, and run a query which populates the infowindow with "county" and "township" from the dynamic layer.
First of all, I can't see the infowindow by clicking on your markers, but looking at the source it appears to be correct.
If you need to display the marker lat/lon the easiest way is to include the lat and lon fields in the query outfields array. If you haven't these fields in the attribute table of your layer you can calculate them in arcmap.
If you need to display the marker lat/lon the easiest way is to include the lat and lon fields in the query outfields array. If you haven't these fields in the attribute table of your layer you can calculate them in arcmap.
Thank you for your reply. Are you saying add two fields to my layer (LAT & LONG) and then calculate lat/longs so they are stored values in my layer? I'm not sure I understand how that would obtain the latlongs of the marker since that is created when i search for an address. I want to obtain the latlong of the marker using the google geocoding service. Thanks again!