Display features on side panel esri Javascript API 4.3

03-30-2017 02:26 PM
New Contributor II

Is there any example that I can use to display features on side panel using Javascript API 4.3 ? 

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15 Replies
New Contributor II

In the 4.3 api I don't see  'esri/symbols/support/symbolPreview', The only object under esri/symbols/support is JsonUtils. Where did you find symbolPreview?   It sounds like it will generate the SVG descripter from an input symbol or graphic which is what I want to do. Thanks

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MVP Emeritus


   It is a class that has not be documented yet. I spoke the the dev team about this last month at the Dev Summit.

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New Contributor II

Is it in the 4.3 api currently?  When I try to reference it from my app, it says it can't be found. Is there a way to get ahold of the code if its not in the package?   Thanks

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MVP Emeritus


  Yes it is part of 4.3 (it is just not documented). Thomas gives examples of how to add it to your requires and some basic code for it's use above.

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Occasional Contributor III

Yeah, like Robert said, it's not in the SDK documentation, but it is in 4.3.

You can pull it in the same way you'd pull in any other module: JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging 

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New Contributor II

Thanks Thomas and Robert!, 

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