Let me start by noting that I am new to JavaScript and I have been working with the JavaScript API for about 3 weeks now. I am working with ArcGIS 10 Desktop and ArcGIS 10 Server. In ArcMap, I have created a Query Layer and it is in a project along with some other shape file data. I have published the .mxd to our ArcGIS server and the service is working.
In my application I am able to call, render, interact with the data that was a shape file data using the FeatureLayer. That all works great, but... I am having problems calling the layer that was created using the Query Layer. I have tried to access it using the FeatureLayer with out success. I have included my call below, please advise on how I can call the Query Layer.
function initSalesPoints() {
var SalesPointsInfoTemplate = new esri.InfoTemplate();
SalesPointsInfoTemplate.setTitle("<b>Sale Points</b>");
SalesPointsInfoTemplate.setContent ("<b>Listing Number</b> ${Number_Display}<br/>"
+"<b>Recording Date</b> ${Selling_Date}<br/>"
+"<b>Sale Price</b> ${SellPrice}"
SalesPointsLayer = new esri.layers.FeatureLayer(gisServer+SalesPointsLayer_ID,{
mode: esri.layers.FeatureLayer.MODE_ONDEMAND,
outFields: ["Number_Display", "Selling_Date", "SellPrice", "County"],
opacity: 1.0,
visible: false,
infoTemplate: SalesPointsInfoTemplate
var symbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_SQUARE, 10,
new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new dojo.Color([255,0,0]), 1),
new dojo.Color([0,255,0,0.25])
var renderer = new esri.renderer.SimpleRenderer(symbol);
layerList.push(SalesPointsLayer); // #4