Is there any way to force a featurelayer to never generalize and/or quantize the geometries in the layer? I am asking because I'm doing a lot of geometryengine operations on a featurelayer and sometimes I get tiny slivers as output from the engine. Seemingly this is caused by tiny differences in the geometries depending on zoom level etc. In version 3 of the api we had setMaxAllowableOffset and autoGeneralize props as means to control this but in version 4 I cannot find it.
There doesn't appear to be a means of disabling the quantization via layer settings, but using a RequestInterceptor to remove the quantizationParameters from the queries to the server should work for most common implementations:
var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer({
url: "https://server/path/etc/FeatureServer/0"
url: featureLayer.url + "/" + featureLayer.layerId + "/query",
before: function (params) {
if (params.requestOptions.query.quantizationParameters)
delete params.requestOptions.query.quantizationParameters;
Joel, question how we could address this same issues with an internal ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 hosted featurelayer. Thank you for any input you may have.
ESRI states:
Known Limitations
Only supported with ArcGIS Online hosted services or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 services.
As far as I know, the same approach mentioned above would work. Can you add a link to the ESRI documentation you mentioned?
I see; that statement is probably out of date, and should read something like "Only supported with ArcGIS Online hosted services or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 and later services." @KristianEkenes can you confirm?
Joel. We took this along with some code you helped us with before and doesn't seem to like what I did. Perhaps I'm missing something here.
urls: /\/query/,
before: function(params){
if (/LIKE '[^%]/g.test(params.requestOptions.query?.where)) {
console.log("Like request");
('like request intercepted', params.requestOptions);
params.requestOptions.query.where = params.requestOptions.query.where.replace(/ LIKE \'/g, ' LIKE \'%');
if (params.requestOptions.query.quantizationParameters) {
delete params.requestOptions.query.quantizationParameters;
// Moves Null (KNOWNAS) Values to the bottom of list
after: function(response) {
console.log("In after function");
var notNulls = [];
var nulls = []; {
if (feature.attributes.KNOWNAS === null)
}); = notNulls.concat(nulls);
Since you're using optional chaining on line 4, you might do the same on line 9:
if (params.requestOptions.query?.quantizationParameters)
Think I was putting the cart before the horse here. We are using a search tool that returns a graphic that is generalized for say an office polygon. This polygon isn't correct as it's been generalized and doesn't show all the shapes of the office correctly. I don't think pursuing this route as we've been discussing works because the Search Widget returns a graphic and not the feature layer. Thanks for all the help.
In that case, you want to remove the maxAllowableOffset parameter:
if (params.requestOptions.query.maxAllowableOffset) {
delete params.requestOptions.query.maxAllowableOffset;
The 3.x API Search tool did a better job of calculating that value than its 4.x counterpart.