Can this method also be used to customize things like MapImageLayer to read MapServer?
const CustomWMSLayer = BaseDynamicLayer.createSubclass({
properties: {
mapUrl: null,
mapParameters: null
// Override the getImageUrl() method to generate URL
// to an image for a given extent, width, and height.
getImageUrl: function (extent, width, height){
const urlVariables = this._prepareQuery(this.mapParameters, extent, width, height);
const queryString = this._joinUrlVariables(urlVariables);
return this.mapUrl + "?" + queryString;
// Prepare query parameters for the URL to an image to be generated
_prepareQuery: function (queryParameters, extent, width, height) {
const wkid = extent.spatialReference.isWebMercator ? 3857 : extent.spatialReference.wkid;
const replacers = {
width: width,
height: height,
wkid: wkid,
xmin: extent.xmin,
xmax: extent.xmax,
ymin: extent.ymin,
ymax: extent.ymax
const urlVariables = this._replace({}, queryParameters, replacers);
return urlVariables;
// replace the url variables with the application provided values
_replace: (urlVariables, queryParameters, replacers) => {
Object.keys(queryParameters).forEach((key) => {
urlVariables[key] = Object.keys(replacers).reduce((previous, replacerKey) => {
return previous.replace("{" + replacerKey + "}", replacers[replacerKey]);
}, queryParameters[key]);
return urlVariables;
// join the url parameters
_joinUrlVariables: (urlVariables) => {
return Object.keys(urlVariables).reduce((previous, key) => {
return previous + (previous ? "&" : "") + key + "=" + urlVariables[key];
}, "");