How can I add a new component to an Angular 18 app that incorporates a view of a map using the @ArcGIS/core library. I have given it my best shot, but cannot get the 'custom-map' component to visualize within my github repo. Currently, the Angular app runs and all components can be visualized, even the 'map' component which uses the <arcgis-map> tag in the component's html in order to show a web map. Yet the custom map component does not show up. Can anyone help? I am completely lost!
I assume that the git repo linked above is the place that you need to look, but in case it help, I am including here just the 'custom map' component typescript file. Thanks for any help you can offer.
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import Map from "@arcgis/core/Map.js";
import * as locator from "@arcgis/core/rest/locator.js";
import MapView from '@arcgis/core/views/MapView';
import Search from '@arcgis/core/widgets/Search';
selector: 'app-custom-map',
templateUrl: './custom-map.component.html',
styleUrl: './custom-map.component.css'
export class CustomMapComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
public view: any = null;
// The <div> where we will place the map
@ViewChild('mapViewNode', { static: true }) private mapViewEl!: ElementRef;
initializeMap(): Promise<any> {
const container = this.mapViewEl.nativeElement;
const map = new Map({
basemap: "streets-navigation-vector"
this.view = new MapView({
map: map,
center: [-100, 23.5],
zoom: 4
const searchWidget = new Search({
view: this.view
searchWidget.on("select-result", function (event2) {
const searchname =;
this.view.ui.add(searchWidget, 'bottom-left');
const locatorUrl =
this.view.popupEnabled = false;
this.view.on("click", (event:any) => {
// Get the coordinates of the click on the view
const lat = Math.round(event.mapPoint.latitude * 1000000) / 1000000;
const lon = Math.round(event.mapPoint.longitude * 1000000) / 1000000;
// Set the popup's title to the coordinates of the location
content: lat + ", " + lon + "<br><i><span style='font-size:smaller'>  e.g. 'latitude, longitude'<p>NB: lat/lon values do not automatically transfer into form boxes above. You must do so manually.",
location: event.mapPoint // Set the location of the popup to the clicked location
const params = {
location: event.mapPoint
// Display the popup
// Execute a reverse geocode using the clicked location
.locationToAddress(locatorUrl, params)
.then((response) => {
// If an address is successfully found, show it in the popup's content
this.view.popup.title = response.address;
const placename = response.address;
.catch(() => {
// If the promise fails and no result is found, show a generic message
this.view.popup.content = "No address was found for this location";
return this.view.when();
ngOnInit(): any {
// Initialize MapView and return an instance of MapView
this.initializeMap().then(() => {
// The map has been initialized
console.log('The map is ready.');
ngOnDestroy(): void {
if (this.view) {
// destroy the map view