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Configuring Operations Dashboard URLs and credentials auth

03-04-2021 11:51 AM
Emerging Contributor

Extending a few WebAppBuilder widgets, but to include each WebApp's associated Operations Dashboard link. The issue is setting up Dashboard url without having to prompt users to sign in, and preferably not to use xhr to generate a token every time for access.

From my understanding, Esri no longer supports the ability to customize Dashboard widgets. As a result, with my current knowledge of Esri's existing JSAPI framework, I am unable to see how operations dashboard urls are set up like WebAppBuilder . I can see that it requires authentication, such as user credentials, and I can see associated cookie requests. 


If anyone has any insight, knows where the source code is for configuring dashboard urls, code snippets, or just suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated. In short, I am looking to do is replicate the process for webapp urls (that have their IDs) but with Dashboards.






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