I wanted to be able to use my own icon for the Search widget, so I changed the source as:
var searchTool = new Search ({ map:map, minCharacters: 8, countryCode: "US", searchExtent:startExtent }, dom.byId('searchDiv')); var sources = []; sources.push({ locator: new Locator("//geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer"), singleLineFieldName: "SingleLine", outFields: ["Addr_type"], name: "World Geocode Service", localSearchOptions: { minScale: 300000, distance: 50000 }, placeholder: "Enter an address or place", highlightSymbol: new PictureMarkerSymbol(geoSymbol).setOffset(9, 18) }); searchTool.set("sources", sources); searchTool.startup();
I also have a popup defined as
highlightMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 22, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([255,255,0]), 2),new Color([255,255,0,0.5])); highlightFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([255,200,0]), 2), new Color([255,255,0,0.50])); var popup = new Popup({ markerSymbol: highlightMarkerSymbol}, domConstruct.create("div")); map = new Map("mapDiv", { infoWindow: popup, basemap: "streets", center: [-92.593, 38.5], zoom: 7 });
I need the popup for other sections of my code.
Every time I use the Search, I see both the orange flag I defined for the symbol, as well as the yellow highlighted circle I have defined in my popup.
If I add the parameter enableHighlight:false to my definition, that removes my flag symbol only and I still have my yellow highlightMarkerSymbol. This is the opposite of what I want to happen.
Am I missing a parameter in my Search constructor or misreading what some of the parameters are for?
When you define your Sources array you can define a highlightSymbol
I have a highlight symbol defined already. What I'm seeing is two symbols - the pin as well as second highlighted circle.
Hi Tracy, I think you want to set highlight to false on the popup.
I still want the popup for selecting features for other reasons, though. I ended up setting my highlight symbol to the orange flag and set showInfoWindowOnSelect to false. It's opening the infoWindow, apparently, that's causing my yellow highlighted symbol. If I don't show it, then I'm only seeing the flag I want. It still shows up when I click to see the information, but that makes more sense than having two different symbols show up right when I search (one for the location and the 2nd that's the highlight from showInfoWindowOnSelect).