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Change order of polygons within a feature layer?

07-10-2020 06:46 AM
Regular Contributor

I have tried using the below in my initial query, and query right before drawing my polygons with class breaks.

        query.orderByFields = ["Shape__Area DESC"];

However this did not seem to do anything. I have also tried using grid_value field as well.

You can see in the screenshot a 3.8 grid value polygon overlapping making the inner 6.5 and 7.8 grid_value polygons in accessible to click.

Here is my relevant code in which I am querying and then doing the drawing... main problem is occasionally large polygons block out smaller ones.. I can mostly see them, but visibility is not the issue.. I need to be able to click them as well.. if the smaller polygons would draw on top most layer, or even higher grid values on top should solve it. I found orderByFields in the docs but doesn't seem to do anything at all...

    query.outFields = ["*"];
      //query.orderByFields = ["Shape__Area DESC"];
      query.returnDistinctValues = false;
      query.returnGeometry = true;
      QT.execute(query).then(function (evt) {
        evt.features.forEach(function (feature) {
          var att = feature.attributes
          var test = geometryEngine.convexHull(feature.geometry)
          var genpoly = null
          if (att.grid_value <= 4.0) {
            var rad = att.Shape__Length / 75
            genpoly = new Circle({
              center: test.centroid,
              radius: rad,
              radiusUnit: "meters"
          } else {
            genpoly = test
          var polygonGraphic = new Graphic({
            geometry: genpoly,
            attributes: att,
            type: "polygon"
        var renderer = {
          type: "class-breaks",
          field: "grid_value",
          classificationMethod: "esriClassifyManual",
          classBreakInfos: [{
              minValue: 0,
              maxValue: 1.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "I (Not Felt)"
              minValue: 2.0,
              maxValue: 3.0,
              symbol: {
                color: [191, 204, 255, .3],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "II (Weak)"
              minValue: 3.1,
              maxValue: 3.9,
              symbol: {
                color: [153, 153, 255, .4],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "III (Weak)"
              minValue: 4.0,
              maxValue: 4.5,
              symbol: {
                color: [136, 255, 255, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "IV (Light)"
              minValue: 4.5,
              maxValue: 4.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [125, 248, 148, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "V (Light)"
              minValue: 6.0,
              maxValue: 6.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [255, 255, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "VI (Strong)"
              minValue: 7.0,
              maxValue: 7.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [255, 221, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "VII (Very Strong)"
              minValue: 8.0,
              maxValue: 8.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [255, 145, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "VIII (Severe) "
              minValue: 9.0,
              maxValue: 9.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [255, 0, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "IX (Violent)"
              minValue: 10.0,
              maxValue: 10.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [221, 0, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "X"
              minValue: 11.0,
              maxValue: 11.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [136, 0, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "XI"
              minValue: 12.0,
              maxValue: 12.0,
              symbol: {
                color: [68, 0, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "XII"
             var popupTrails = {
                 outFields: ["*"],
                 "title": "Shake ID: {id}",
                "content": function (feature){
                  let name_plc;
                  let dlv = document.createElement("div");
                  dlv.className = "popd";
                  dlv.innerHTML = `<b><span class='name_plc'></span></b><br>ID: <span class="ida">${}</span><br> URL: <a href="${feature.graphic.attributes.url}" target="_blank">View</a> <br> Updated: ${feature.graphic.attributes.updated} <br>Grid_value: ${feature.graphic.attributes.grid_value}<br> Event Time: ${feature.graphic.attributes.eventTime} <style>.esri-popup__navigation { display: none;}</style>`;
                  function getName() {
                   let cId = $('span.ida').text();
                   if (cId) { 
                      let q3 = new Query();
                      q3.where = "id = '"+ cId +"'";
                      q3.outFields = ["*"];
                       QTt.execute(q3).then(function (results) {
                 (feat) {
                            let pID = feat.attributes["id"];
                            if (cId === pID) {
                               name_plc = feat.attributes["place"];
                                 let tx = $('.name_plc').text();
                                 if (tx == 0){
                  } else {
                    setTimeout(getName, 230);
                  return dlv; 
        fl = new FeatureLayer({
          source: gras,
          objectIdField: "ObjectID",
          geometryType: "polygon",
          fields: [{
            name: "ObjectID",
            alias: "ObjectID",
            type: "oid"
          }, {
            name: "id",
            alias: "id",
            type: "string"
          }, {
            name: "updated",
            alias: "Last Update",
            type: "string"
          }, {
            name: "eventTime",
            alias: "eventTime",
            type: "string"
          }, {
            name: "url",
            alias: "url",
            type: "string"
          }, {
            name: "grid_value",
            alias: "grid_value",
            type: "double"
          renderer: renderer,
          popupEnabled: true,
          //outFields: ['*'],
          popupTemplate: popupTrails,
          visibleElements: [{
              featureNavigation: false, 

Here is my full CodePen as well.. Any way to do this client side javascript? simply change index to smallest polygons on top?! 1/3 times some of my polygons render in the correct order.. but I need to ensure they all always do, so they are visible and I can click them.

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6 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

In your codepen, you're using orderByFields on the variable query (line 95), but your set the outFields to just return "id" (line 91). If you add "Shape__Area", does that give you consistent results? Also, don't you want ASC (smallest to largest)? 

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

Thank you for the reply Ken, sadly it still does not seem to be working consistently with that in regards to the overlapping -- also, in the query right before I drew the polygons i stated all * out fields, so shouldn't that work the same? I don't think that was the issue. 

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

I am not sure the exact interpretation of how ASC or DESC are being used; but I would like the smallest polygons shapes to be added/drawn lastly so that their index remains on top of the larger ones and are clickable. Again, sometimes this occurs with some, but then some don't seems arbitrary -- just want to consistently be able to click all my smaller polygons. Should I explore a different method?

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

Here is a better screenshot: For instance, I try to click the green shape in the middle, the largest blue circle highlights and the popup only displays the meta for that one. Cannot click the smaller inner ones.

i.e. before click.

i.e. after trying to click the green inner small polygon -- only outer is accessible.

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus


   When I use the orderByFields:

      query.outFields = ["*"];
      query.returnDistinctValues = false;
      query.returnGeometry = true;
      query.orderByFields = ["Shape__Area DESC"];
      QT.execute(query).then(function (evt) {
        evt.features.forEach(function (feature) {
          var att = feature.attributes
          var test = geometryEngine.convexHull(feature.geometry)
          var genpoly = null
          if (att.grid_value <= 4.0) {
            var rad = att.Shape__Length / 75
            genpoly = new Circle({
              center: test.centroid,
              radius: rad,
              radiusUnit: "meters"
          } else {
            genpoly = test
          var polygonGraphic = new Graphic({
            geometry: genpoly,
            attributes: att,
            type: "polygon"

And select/check "us7000abmk" today I have no problem selecting each rings popup.....

Regular Contributor

Thanks so much Robert, however, I just cannot get this to consistently work on all my shake maps. The order still seems to be rendered arbitrarily each time (each load), yes, some will render properly but some don't. Luckily I have noticed that if I add a border or outline to these nested or overlapped polygons, with all opacity slightly dropped, I can zoom in and click the outline/border to access their popups; though this is still not the most ideal. Perhaps the indexes is getting lost with the filter?

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