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Attribute pop-up with embedded URL

08-30-2012 09:15 AM
New Contributor
I'm designing a web map with a layer showing the locations of various weather and water quality sensors. Every sensor has, in its attribute table, a URL for a website that displays its current measurements and I was wondering if there is a way to set up the popup template so that, instead of displaying the attribute table of the point clicked, it would re-size to a determined width/length and display the contents of its respective URL. Is this a possibility and how would I go about doing this?
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor
You could achieve this by inserting an iframe into the contents of the infoWindow.
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Deactivated User
Or, if you don't like iframes, you could possibly use a ContentPane but be aware of the limitations for pulling in a complete web page e.g. cross-domain (could proxy if you need to though).  The iframe solution that Steve gave will effectively act like another 'embedded' browser i.e. everything in the 'external' web page (style, JS etc.) should function as it would if you simply pointed your browser at it.
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Honored Contributor
The iframe ... will effectively act like another 'embedded' browser i.e. everything in the 'external' web page (style, JS etc.) should function as it would if you simply pointed your browser at it.

That's a good point - if you only want the data, you may not wish to see the header, page navigation, logos, etc.

Another option might be to request access to the raw data used on the embedded website. They must have used some values to derive the image/graph/whatever displayed on their site, so perhaps you can request that and build the image/graph/whatever yourself.

Still another option is to reverse-engineer their page to obtain just the component you need. Eg, if the page contains an image sourced from ../data/city_date_time.jpg you may be able to obtain the image directly. Be sure to check their license agreement to verify this is allowed.

Good luck,
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