When using a Popup-Template with the attachment type like so
"type": "attachments",
I am missing the thumnail of the image. I looks like this:
There are also no Thumbnails shown in "list" mode but I am not sure if thats always the case:
I was searching around a bit and found a property in the API documentation called "supportsResizeAttachments" (Link). This property is "false" for our feature layer. But it is also read-only.
The features are coming from an ArcGIS Server FeatureServer. I tried finding anything in the ArcGIS Server Manager and the ArcGIS Server Admin but couldnt find the property or anything else that might be related.
Has anyone ever encountered that problem and knows a solution?
Thanks for your help.
I know this is pretty old at this point, but I had run into the same issue using 4.21 and wanted to share what I found for those who happen to run across this.
In my case, I needed to update the supportsResizeAttachments property to true once the layer was loaded. This property is actually not read only. I had originally thought the same thing as the documentation suggests that it is.
featureLayer.load().then(() => {
featureLayer.capabilities.operations.supportsResizeAttachments = true;
I need more clarification, the described does not work in my case js 4.22 app, REST feature service, ArcGIS Server 10.9. I have no such property in my feature service definition, I added it manually,etc. No success.
have you ever found a solution for this problem?
We're running into the same issue and I do not know any configuration option on the Map- or FeatureService.
In the what's new of 10.9.1 it says that it's supported, but our server is 10.9.1 and not even the property is visible on the featurelayer. ??
Have you solved the issue?
unfortunately not. Maybe @dcarson1661 has more info?
I do have this working, but it sounds like my issue may not have been the same as what others are seeing?
I'm working with a Feature Service served up from ArcGIS Server 10.8.1. ArcGIS JS API 4.22 and my popup is using the AttachmentContent popup element.
In my case, I needed to update the supportsResizeAttachments property to true on the Feature Layer once it was loaded. As far as I know there is nothing that needs to change on the Feature Service/ Map Service end.
featureLayer.load().then(() => {
featureLayer.capabilities.operations.supportsResizeAttachments = true;