Arcgis online template v other downloaded examples

09-22-2012 04:57 PM
New Contributor II
Hi I am just getting started and would like some direction on where to start in terms of templates.
I have my own arcgis server and would be looking to host my application.

Do I download an arcgis template and go from there?
      ??? Do I then have to connect to esri with an ID and get some "configuration" from there
      ??? Or can I then be independent of arcgis online and just use their template and config mechanism locally


Do I start from an example  and create my own "template" and write code to read in Jason files for map content?

I would obviously like the best leg up to get going but don"t see my org being dependent on the esri site

Thanks in advance

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor II
Ian, here's what I have figured out so far. I have used ArcGIS Online for a while. I guess you kind of figure out how it works by trying different things. The help is not great.

I think the templates you download are for doing a version of online maps called Storymaps? I have dabbled a little with it. Those are for hosting on your own web location and use maps/content generated on a ArcGIS Online map. The templates will have a readme file that you can open and look at, it helps a little. But you have to know some HTML coding to really make the Storymaps work well.

There are a couple templates that host directly on ArcGIS Online and that have a config editor to help you do some very basic tings.

As for your ArcGIS Server, that is useful for serving out your own data layers and incorporating them into your ArcGIS Online maps. But there is also a lot of data to tie to on existing servers out there, but you have to search a lot of it out yourself.

Hope that helps some.
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