When I tried the Search digit in JavaScript API with a web map created in ArcGIS Online, it seemed that the search result will be highlighted for all other type of feature layers except for multipoint layer. Is there a way to make the multipoint search result being highlighted?
waaaaay down at the bottom of this page... Shapefiles—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS
it says multipoint geometries are not supported ....
Below are the limitations to using shapefiles in the map viewer.
The multipoint features on the web map are not Shapefiles but feature classes running on ArcSDE/ArcGIS Server.
ahhhh missed that in your question... perhaps you will need to check the arcSDE/ArcGIS sections to see whether multipart features are supported in some situations and not in others. For example
this link Layers—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS cites limitations on input size and this one really doesn't say much about data limits only accessability ArcGIS Server web services—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS
Thanks Dan for the references. The puzzle is still not resolved. As I noticed that the configured popups for the multipoint layers WILL highlight the related features when you click on them. Not sure why the Search digit not show them as highlighted. currently, I enabled labels in the Search options as an alternative to show the associated points of the search result.