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ArcGIS JS API Sketch snappingOptions is not reacting to featureSources

06-15-2022 01:19 AM
New Contributor

I'm trying to set the Snapping options of the sketch widget, to snap only to a specific graphic layer, and not all others. It seems like the results " ignores" my settings, shows all the graphic layers, and do no enable the one io selected.

I used this example:

export const createSketchWidget = (view, layer, onSketchUpdated, featureLayer) => {
  const { Sketch } = getEsriModules();
  console.log('createSketchWidget', featureLayer);
  const sketchWidget = new Sketch({
    creationMode: 'update',
    snappingOptions: {
      enabled: true,
      featureSources: [{ layer: featureLayer, enabled: true }],
    visibleElements: {
      createTools: {
        circle: false,
        polyline: false,
        point: false,
        rectangle: true,
        polygon: true,
      selectionTools: {
        'rectangle-selection': false,
        'lasso-selection': false,
      snappingControlsElements: {
        header: true,
        layerList: true,
      settingsMenu: true,

  view.ui.add(sketchWidget, 'top-right');
  sketchWidget.on('create', onSketchUpdated);
  sketchWidget.on('update', onSketchUpdated);

  return sketchWidget;


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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hello @AmirKhanInd ,

Have you had an opportunity to test with the latest version of the JSAPI 4.24, and are you using GroupLayers in your map? I ask because we had a similar issue we resolved for GroupLayers only, in version 4.24. I just tested and verified this is working with standalone layers. Here is the codepen I used from the same sample you provided:

Your code looked fine on first glance, but if you still see the issue, feel free to use a similar codepen to the one I provided to provide a repro case.



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