Hi all i am facing error in arcgis esri feature layer Here is the code i also read the arcgis api documnetation but never found any solution about this error,
`import FeatureLayer from "@arcgis/core/layers/FeatureLayer"
import GraphicsLayer from "@arcgis/core/layers/GraphicsLayer"
export default class MyLayer {
constructor(contourServiceUrl, apiToken) {
this.layer = new FeatureLayer({
apiKey: apiToken,
url: contourServiceUrl,
minScale: 5000,
maxScale: 0,
labelingInfo: [{
// autocasts as new LabelClass()
symbol: {
type: "text", // autocasts as new TextSymbol()
color: "white",
font: { // autocast as new Font()
size: 8,
weight: "bold"
labelPlacement: "center-along",
labelExpressionInfo: {
expression: "$feature.contourelevation"
this.graphicLayer = new GraphicsLayer()
The Error
**[esri.layers.FeatureLayer] #load() Failed to load layer (title: 'New paltz ny contours', id: '180673c6dc2-layer-1')**