ArcGIS @Core Bundle Size

04-01-2024 10:25 PM
New Contributor

I am currently integrating ArcGIS into a small forms library I am building for an organization. My library is bundled into UMD, and then imported into a browser using a simple <script> tag like so : 

 <script type="text/javascript" src="mylibrary.umd.js"></script>

The bundling is done via Vite, on library mode, bundling into UMD. 

Before I started using the ArcGIS libraries, my bundle size was as below : 

dist/browser/mylibrary.umd.js 188.58 kB │ gzip: 63.94 kB

After adding ArcGIS via the following NPM import : 

"@arcgis/core": "^4.29.10"

And then importing the following types (Using a map, pinning a map, zooming, just a few small things). 

import MapView from "@arcgis/core/views/MapView";
import Map from "@arcgis/core/Map";
import Search from "@arcgis/core/widgets/Search";
import Graphic from "@arcgis/core/Graphic";
import Point from "@arcgis/core/geometry/Point.js";
import Color from "@arcgis/core/Color.js";
import * as Symbols from "@arcgis/core/symbols.js";

I now have : 

dist/browser/mylibrary.umd.js 7,950.07 kB │ gzip: 2,149.95 kB

This seems outrageous to the say the least. 

I have read around several other posts, with several comments around "It will only -load- what it needs at runtime". Possibly true, but the bundle size is still downloaded in one go and to go from 63KB to 2149KB is a bit ridiculous. 

Am I doing something wrong here that the bundle size is suddenly this large, and what can I do to shrink the bundle size all together? It's likely that I try and externalize the dependency, so that my bundle is not so big, but even then, it's just pushing the issue elsewhere. 

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