Animated SVG

07-31-2023 09:41 AM
New Contributor III

In the past we were able to add animations to specific features by using animated SVGs as the icon. It seems like there is a known limitation for animated SVGs. The PictureMarkerSymbol class documentation says, "Animated SVG images are currently not supported."

We'd love to know if this is a planned feature that is upcoming, or if it's currently unplanned. We might have to segway to using GIFs, but obviously that's less than an ideal workaround for animated SVGs. Also wondering if anyone has experience with working around this.

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hey Addison,

From any apps I have seen using this, it has been through the use of GIFs. From checking currently logge enhancements i do not see any listed for adding this functionality so I would encourage you to set up a new idea.

Many thanks,


Esri UK -Technical Support Analyst
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New Contributor III

Would you mind pointing me to where I can create a "new idea"?

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Esri Contributor

Sure thing, you can access the ideas page from the JavaScript Maps SDK page.



Esri UK -Technical Support Analyst
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