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AMD - Dojo Build

08-29-2012 03:15 PM
Deactivated User
I'm trying to put together a build of a simple application that uses AMD modules.  The Dojo build documentation states that I need a copy of the Dojo SDK source, but I'm concerned that the merged Dojo / ESRI javascript libraries might conflict with another full copy of Dojo in my source files.

Has anyone created a build release of their javascript apps using the Dojo build process (or r.js process using the latest javascript api)?  If so, can you share any lessons learned?


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I'm no help on the dojo build. I tried getting it set up, but after a few tries I just went back r.js.

With a fold structure like this.
- index.html
- js/
- stylesheets/
- templates/

I have a documented file looks like this.

 * This is the build file I have started using
 * to build my ArcGIS JS API 3.0 apps, which are
 * based on Dojo 1.7. I used a similar build file
 * when I was using Require.js, so it wasn't much different.
 * I tried using the Dojo Build Tools, but it just seemed
 * way too bloated to download the Dojo SDK, sort my files,
 * blah blah blah. With r.js I can use Node NPM to
 * npm install requirejs and just use the following command
 * r.js -o src/js/
 * Done and done!
 * This build file is meant to be used with r.js
 * For more details on options, you can review
 * the sample r.js build file
  appDir       : "../",
  baseUrl      : "js",
  dir          : "../../release",

  paths               : {
    "jquery"          : 'libs/jquery/jquery-1.7.2.min',
    "jqueryui"        : 'libs/jqueryui/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.min',
    "jquery.boostrap" : 'libs/boostrap/bootstrap.min',
    "underscore"      : 'libs/lodash/lodash.min',
    "backbone"        : 'libs/backbone/backbone-min',
     * This is key. Since the namespaces of dojo & esri,
     * even dojox and dijit come from the ArcGIS CDN, use the
     * empty: scheme so r.js doesn't try pull in these
     * dependencies.
    "dojo" : "empty: ",
    "esri" : "empty: ",
    "text" : "empty:"
   * r.js uses uglifyjs by default.
   * If you run r.js via java, you can use google closure.
   * I tried to integrate closure, but java on my work
   * machine kept punching me in the face. Stick with uglify,
   * a dude on twitter told me it was faster anyway.
  optimize : "uglify",
   * This doesn't work as intended for me.
   * According to docs and google groups, this
   * should remove all combined files when
   * optimizing a whole project
  //removeCombined      : true,
   * This option will grab all the text! calls and
   * place them in your optimized file to avoid
   * making XMLHttpRequests to load the files
  inlineText          : true,

   * This is optional, as setting the modules
   * will create a combined file of all dependencies
   * in the release folder. You get a single larger file
   * to load rather than multiple smaller files.
   * Use at your own discretion.
   * */
  modules  : [
       * I optimze my app file, because I use
       * my main file to set up my dojoConfig.
       * If doing a single js file optimization,
       * DO NOT include the dojoConfig file
       * to be included. It will blow you up.
       * Optmize the next entry point into your app.
      name: "app"

   * Will make your css a single line file
// I had an issue in one app where this caused some issues. Didn't track it down, but only
// happened in the one app. I should look into it further. Just disable if it causes problems.
  optimizeCss         : "standard",
   * Ewww, RegEx. It's easy though,
   * just include files/folders you don't want to
   * get exported to your release build folder.
  fileExclusionRegExp : /\.(coffee|coffee~|js~|html~|css~|swp|rb|lnk)|sass|.sass-cache|build/

Hope that helps.
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Deactivated User
Odoe -

Thanks for the follow-up.  I'm glad to know that I can still use the require optimizer (easier to use).  And thanks for the inspiration!  I've already been using your github apps as a gut-check for the some of the work I've been doing. 

Anybody else out there use the Dojo build process with the latest javascript API?

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