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After Applyedits feature are not Visible until map pan or zoom

02-16-2022 09:34 PM
New Contributor III

Hello Team,

Previously we are using ArcGIS API 4.13. Now we upgrade to ArcGIS API version 4.17.

After upgrade - We are using applyEdits to Update/Add/Del features on the feature layers. In every 5-10 seconds, we are using applyEdits to update the layers.

Issue is - After applyEdits features are not visible to map until we zoom In/Out the map.



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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi there, 

4.17 is a quite old version of the API. Would you be able to test your app with version 4.22 since this is the latest version?



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New Contributor III

Thank you Undral.

I upgrade to 4.19 version and its working.

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