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Adjusting Graduated Symbols by Scale (API 4.x)

07-19-2022 10:44 AM
New Contributor


I've been trying to create an HTML document that can display my ArcGIS Online map. Everything has gone well so far and I've been using other Esri resources to answer any questions I might have.

The map displays graduated symbols (I've created 5 classes - I will attach a screenshot of the legend). Each country displays a certain number ("Distinct Count of Usernames" in this case) and then the corresponding symbol. At the starting scale they all look appropriately sized. However, as you zoom in, the small classes become incredibly difficult to see and click. 

I've been looking around and trying new solutions/ideas for a few days now and ended up finding these:

Adjust point symbol scaling (API 4.x) 

I've read through these and been using their ideas, unfortunately, the symbols are still not changing size.

Here is the script: 



 const sizeVisVar = {
  type: "size",
  field: "Distinct Count of Usernames",
  minDataValue: 42,
  maxDataValue: 763,
  minSize: {
   type: "size",
   valueExpression: "$view.scale",
   stops: [
    { value: 18489298, size: 14 }, 
    { value: 36978595, size: 8 },
    { value: 73957191, size: 6 },
    { value: 147914382, size: 4 } 
  maxSize: {
   type: "size",
   valueExpression: "$view.scale",
   stops: [
    { value: 18489298, size: 115 }, 
    { value: 36978595, size: 75 },
    { value: 73957191, size: 58 },
    { value: 147914382, size: 50 }
 renderer.visualVariables = [ sizeVisVar ];



They still remain fixed at the same size, no matter the scale. 

Here is the screenshot of the legend:

Screenshot (19).png

Note: I used 42 as my minimum because all countries with that value or less  will display the same symbol. Same idea with 763 as my maximum. 

I'd appreciate any help on this!



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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hey Matthew,

I don't believe this will work when you classify data using size. I could be wrong, so I would need to try it. The examples in the blogs only use continuous size (no class breaks). 

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