Adding the features to existing layer

09-12-2013 02:00 AM
New Contributor III
Hi all

I am new to GIS, i have created a online account with ersi and created a map

Need to make a application which i need to add the features on that map

Please help me or guide me how to do this
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15 Replies
New Contributor III
Hmm ok.. let me tell this way

here in the below tutorial

we can add the markers to the map and it will save to

so i need to do the same on the my map, which i have created in my content

need to write the code for that, so need you help. how to save those markes?
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Frequent Contributor
i understand the problem now.  you are displaying CSV data in your webmap, but this is not the same thing as converting CSV data to be a hosted feature service.

please follow the steps in the article i linked to above (called "Publishing a hosted feature service using a shapefile or CSV file"), and add that new data source to your webmap instead of adding the CSV content directly.

hosted feature services are editable from within web applications.  dynamically drawn CSV data is not.
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New Contributor III
i dont have problem with data or the published CSV file,

my problem is different

in this sample code we can add the features right?

same thing i have to do by replacing the webmap id.

if i replace the web map id its not showing the left side pane, the markers.

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Frequent Contributor
there are no markers in the side panel of your map because your webmap doesn't contain any hosted feature services.  please review my comments above to resolve that problem.
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New Contributor III
i have added a hosted feature which is public too..
tell me what i have to do with that..

sorry i am new to this..
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Frequent Contributor
you need to add the hosted feature service as a data layer in your webmap.

What layers can you add to your map?
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