If I use an non-secured feature service, it does not use the proxy and I have no problem uploading an attachment. As soon as I use a secure feature service, I get 500 internal server error. I'm at a complete loss. I've called support and they are researching it. It seems to be a problem with the proxy, possibly in how I've set it up, but I can't figure it out. Using the dotnet proxy from esri's github.
code below works if my service is not secure, but the fLayer I've plugged in here is secure and I get the 500 error. Server 10.3.1, Javascript 3.13
<form id="attachOne"> <label class="file_upload">Select a file to attach:</label> <input type="file" name="attachment" /> </form> <input type="button" id="submitButton" value="Upload">
require(["esri/config","esri/dijit/editing/Add", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer", "esri/urlUtils","dojo/dom", "dojo/on", "dojo/domReady!" ], function (esriConfig, Add, FeatureLayer, urlUtils, dom, on){ "use strict"; urlUtils.addProxyRule({ urlPrefix: "https://gis.northcharleston.org/arcgis/rest/services/Feature/OneStopShop/FeatureServer/", proxyUrl:"https://gis.northcharleston.org/DotNet/proxy.ashx" }); on(dom.byId("submitButton"), "click", uploadFile); function uploadFile(){ var fLayer=new FeatureLayer("https://gis.northcharleston.org/arcgis/rest/services/Feature/OneStopShop/FeatureServer/0"); fLayer.addAttachment(24404, document.getElementById("attachOne"), function(result){console.log(result);}, function(errorMessage){console.log(errorMessage);}); } , function(errorMessage){console.log(errorMessage);}); }
And you have a serverUrl added in your proxy.config for "https://gis.northcharleston.org" right?
Yes, the proxy works as far as loading my secure service to a map and applying edits. It wasn't until I attempted to attach files that I started getting the error.
Sent from my iPhone
There must be an issue with the proxy not doing the attachment requests through the proxy then. Sorry I can not bee of more help.
Thanks for trying, I’m not having any luck with support yet either.