Hi all,
I was wondering if there is any easy way to add text inside the doughnut chart.
today i can only show the text below or inside the title
i would like to get something like this
Chart.js responsive doughnut with text inside - JSFiddle
I know i can implement it by my self... but there is much more stuff that happens in the background (like Group Filter ) that i would like to stay with the original widget and maybe just customize it or only the setting?
I've tried to do some reverse engineer to it and got to
which let me into this github
GitHub - wandergis/arcgis-echarts: A plugin for ArcGIS JS API to load echarts map and Make big data ...
(which have Amazing demos!!!) but nothing that can help me with my doughnut
btw - We are using WAB 2.6
Can someone help ? 