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4.25 cluster labels on two different layers

02-16-2023 05:21 AM
New Contributor

There is no rule for resolving label conflicts for two cluster layers on one map. Sometimes label from green cluster is on the top, sometimes is invisible.
For both layers deconflictionStrategy is "none". On the layer list, blue clusters layer is above green one. The smallest green circle is also a cluster (single object has different symbology).




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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @dwalusza_gispartner_pl, thanks for posting this issue. This might be due to the deconflictionStrategy being set to "none". Does it behave as expected when the deconflictionStrategy is set to "static"?

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New Contributor

This resolves cluster labels on two different layers not overlapping other clusters. However doesn't seem to help with labels overlapping non clustered features.

For example:

  • redClusterLayer with static deconflictionStrategy -  top layer, features are blue circles
  • greenClusterLayer with static deconflictionStrategy -  bottom layer

When a the cluster of features on the redLayer is above a cluster of features from the green layer, the bottom level label is hidden.


But when only features are above the cluster the label doesn't respect the layer its on (exaggerated label size example but is quite confusing when a feature is exactly on top of a cluster.


Any way to resolve this?

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