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ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.19 and 3.36

04-22-2021 11:08 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
1 5 2,327

Tell me that your API has released, without telling me that your API has released.Tell me that your API has released, without telling me that your API has released.
Well, here goes: 35 bugs fixed. 11 new or updated samples. Officially released ES modules (no more beta). And so much more.


Quarterly performance review


We improved the performance of point FeatureLayers hosted on ArcGIS Online. The FeatureLayer will now fetch all its features immediately from the server. Once loaded, the features won't need to be re-requested. - performance-improvements

Performance improvementsPerformance improvements


Improved 3D rendering


The new lighting and shading model adds more contrast and definition to 3D content. Existing scenes will benefit from this visual improvement when SceneView.qualityProfile is set to medium or high. Objects with Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) materials, such as used in WebStyleSymbols, now display light reflections on glass or metallic surfaces.

Improved rendering quality (3D)Improved rendering quality (3D)


It’s business time for ES modules


The ES modules are out of beta and ready for production use. These modules make it easier to do local builds of the API when integrating with third party frameworks and build tools. Read more here:


Oh snap!


Self-snapping is now supported when creating or updating line and polygon features in 2D. We also added support for feature snapping in both 2D and 3D.

The Sketch widget's UI now includes an options menu to toggle snapping on/off. 

The Editor widget now provides the ability to set snapping when creating or updating features. - snapping

Want more? Want to use snapping with the Editor widget in 3D? We got you.

Edit features in 3D with the Editor widget (with snapping)Edit features in 3D with the Editor widget (with snapping)


Drop the reading glasses…


We added a Magnifier (2D and 3D) that displays a portion of the view as a magnified image. The Magnifier can improve the editing and drawing experience of applications utilizing the Sketch and Editor widgets, especially when pairing with the new snapping functionality.



Widget upgrades


Widgets are reusable user-interface components and are key to providing a rich user experience. The ArcGIS for JavaScript API provides a set of ready-to-use widgets. Beginning with version 4.19, the story gets even better.

The FeatureTable widget was enhanced to improve compatibility with API themes. It is also now possible to filter out what is displayed within the table.

The FloorFilter widget filters features from floor-aware layers to control visualization in both MapView and SceneView. Once you have defined the floorInfo for a map or scene, you can use the FloorFilter widget to interactively filter your floor plan data.

FloorFilter widgetFloorFilter widget

The Popup widget now dynamically displays content in the header and footer to handle longer strings. This can be seen when displaying action text with a lot of characters. Additionally, title and description properties were added for the Attachments, Fields, and Media content elements.

The Directions widget now allows a Time Unspecified departure option. This uses the average travel time to calculate estimated travel durations.


I don’t always take notes, but when I do, I take them in a map


The MapNotesLayer can now be edited if it was created in the new Map Viewer. Map notes can be added, updated, and deleted - allowing you to easily sketch, add, remove, or update notes from any map, then persist your changes. Map notes created with Map Viewer Classic can be displayed, but the map notes cannot be modified or accessed with this class.



Rest easy with these new modules


We've ported the majority of Tasks functionality to simple functional rest modules. This will make it easier to incorporate into a more modular app design, and also reduce unnecessary dependencies (you only import what you want). The next release will see the rest of the Tasks ported over, and then we will deprecate Tasks. - rest-modules




Release Blog

What’s New in ArcGIS API for JavaScript (4.19)

4.19 Release Notes

4.19 Samples

3.36 What’s New

Breaking Changes across all 4x releases

About the Author
Noah Sager is a Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript team at Esri. Prior to joining Esri, he mapped utility lines around Appalachia, investigated public restroom access in Chicago, and studied foraging behavior in squirrels in Canada.