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Webmap ID, appID is not recognized using files from version)

11-05-2015 01:54 AM
Deactivated User

Hi, I am using developer version download file( I now want to publish the map. I find that webmap ID, appid in index.html are recognized which calling in the browser, instead I get error "An error has occurred Fatal error: Invalid configuration (web map or application identifier not specified in index.html)". But the app works fine when the appid is entered in the URL such as: "http://mywebserver/MapTour/index.html?appid='the 32 digit numbers'". where as in README.PDF and in the index.html commented lines it states providing the appid in Template configuration parameters in the index.html file works. Is there any solution to solve this error. Thanks in advance

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

With the developer download you need to do some additional work to get it up and running like installing node.js and building the application from the source code.  based on what you are describing it sounds like the application has not been built, all parameters from index.html are ignored in development mode.

Check out the developer guide here for more info.

Esri/map-tour-storytelling-template-js · GitHub

Depending on your goals  for example if you only need to customize look and feel of the Map Tour, you should go with the user download instead. 

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