I created an app using the esri Imagery Viewer template. In my webmap there is a hosted tile layer. I was expecting to swipe it over the base map but it doesn't work. Swipe function doesn't appear. I checked the esri example: https://peterbeckertest.maps.arcgis.com/apps/ImageryViewer/index.html?appid=f1e39a45269a493093c69eeb...
This example app doesn't swipe. None of the tools on left work. Is this an issue with the app or some other reason?
Hi Chauhan
Did you ever get a response? The Swipe really needs to work with the basemaps!!!
Lisa Pierce -
@LisaPierce1 you can use the swipe tool with basemaps in the Media instant app here's an example:
We'll look at adding support for this to the imagery viewer app in a future release.