I have downloaded and started to configure the minimal gallery app for our business purposes (this will be hosted on our own web server):
I have a queries on how I can change the card element to show the item description (e.g.):
Solved! Go to Solution.
I forgot you have to add this to the application.json
"showDesc": true,
I am not a type script developer but here is what I made work:
application\widgets\panels\Panel.js (line 6 and 20).
define(["require", "exports", "esri/widgets/support/widget"], function (require, exports, widget_1) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.default = function (props) {
var author = props.config.showAuthor ? (widget_1.tsx("p", { class: "font-size--1 card-last hug-bottom", key: props.item.title + "-author" }, props.item.owner)) : null;
var desc = props.config.showDesc ? (widget_1.tsx("p", { class: "font-size--1 card-desc", title: props.item.snippet }, props.item.snippet)) : null;
var PanelBaseComponent = {
captionOpacity: 1,
captionTransform: 0,
render: function () {
var caption = props.config.showItemType ? (widget_1.tsx("div", { class: "card-image-caption", style: "\n opacity: " + PanelBaseComponent.captionOpacity + ";\n transform: translate(0, " + PanelBaseComponent.captionTransform + "%);\n background-color: " + convertHex(props.captionColor, 80) + ";\n color: " + props.config.captionTextColor + "\n " }, props.item.displayName)) : null;
return (widget_1.tsx("div", { class: "card block trailer-1 animate-fade-in card-fade", style: "background-color: " + props.config.cardColor + ";", key: props.item.title + "-div" },
widget_1.tsx("figure", { class: "card-image-wrap" },
widget_1.tsx("a", { title: props.i18n.ui.galleryTip, role: "link", tabindex: "0", onkeypress: handleKeyPress },
widget_1.tsx("img", { class: "card-image clickable thumbnail-min", img: true, src: "", alt: props.item.title, onmouseover: handleMouseOver, onmouseleave: handleMouseOut, onclick: props.itemClickHandler, style: "\n background-image: url(" + props.item.thumbnailUrl + ");\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-size: cover;\n " })),
widget_1.tsx("div", { class: "card-content", style: "color: " + props.config.fontColor },
widget_1.tsx("a", { title: props.i18n.ui.galleryTip, style: "color: " + props.config.linkColor },
widget_1.tsx("h5", { tabindex: "0", class: "clickable", onclick: props.itemClickHandler }, props.item.title)),
widget_1.tsx("div", { class: "open-out-container" },
widget_1.tsx("a", { class: "open-out-icon btn btn-transparent icon-ui-description", title: props.extItem, href: props.extLink, style: "color: " + props.config.buttonBgColor, key: props.item.title + "-info-icon" }),
widget_1.tsx("a", { class: "open-out-icon btn btn-transparent icon-ui-maximize", title: props.extTitle, href: props.maxLink, style: "color: " + props.config.buttonBgColor, key: props.item.title + "-open-out-icon" })))));
Add these css rules to bundle.css
.card-desc {
position: relative;
text-align: justify;
margin-right: -1em;
padding-right: 1em;
overflow: hidden;
max-height: 3.6em;
word-wrap: break-word;
line-height: 1.2em !important; }
.card-desc:after {
content: '...';
position: absolute;
right: 15px;
bottom: 0;
.card-desc:before {
/* points in the end */
content: '';
/* absolute position */
position: absolute;
/* set position to right bottom corner of text */
right: 15px;
/* set width and height */
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
margin-top: 0.2em;
/* bg color = bg color under block */
background: white;
top: 2.4em;
I forgot you have to add this to the application.json
"showDesc": true,