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Is the Compare App for ArcGIS online working properly?

07-02-2019 12:34 PM
New Contributor

I have been using the Compare App Template on ArcGIS Online for the last year without issue. Now when I create a web application with this template the data does not load correctly. The same maps load normally in all other web template applications I have tried.

Is it possible a new version of the Compare template has been released that has a bug? #compare app

April 2019 - Both maps in Compare app displayed correctly:

April 2019 Comparison App Template

June 2019 - Both maps in Compare app display only points, text and polygon outlines but will not display polygon colours.

June 2019 Comparison App Template

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Esri Contributor


Can you provide the link to the application? As a test, if you try to build another compare app from the web map do the symbols and labels appear?



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