I am working on a map using a Living Atlas basemap. When I toggle on the full screen mode, the colors change pretty dramatically. Is there anyway to prevent this from happening?
Which basemap are you using? And which instant app?
I am using "Painterly" by John Nelson. The instant app is the Media Map.
Ran a quick test using the JSAPI full screen widget (that's what the app uses) and I am able to reproduce the issue using this test app. https://codepen.io/kellyhutchins/pen/ExMbbLw?editors=1010
This might be a good question for the ArcGIS JavaScript Maps SDK space. https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-javascript-maps-sdk-questions/bd-p/arcgis-api-for-javascript-qu...
Thank you! I will make a separate post there.
I was able to find a temporary fix for the issue of basemap darkening. I put John Nelson's Blank White Vector Basemap underneath the other layers and it looks normal when toggling to fullscreen. This tells me that fullscreen mode must make the background black so the transparency of the layers causes the darkness to show through.